The Better Tomorrow With Axlekorea
Forging Machine
Manufacture and Maintenance of Forging machine
We design and mechanically process the worn out part of the main body for ourselves, newly manufacture and substitute the parts, and are reproducing at a level of new equipment
2500Ton Forging

2500Ton Forging

Slide Ram Ass’y

Slide Ram Ass’y

Electric Control Panel

Electric Control Panel

315Ton Trimming Press Overhaul

315Ton Trimming Press Overhaul

Brake Ass’y

Brake Ass’y

Clutch Ass’y

Clutch Ass’y

Trimming Press Overhaul

Trimming Press Overhaul

EUMUCO 200Ton Upsetter Overhaul

EUMUCO 200Ton Upsetter Overhaul

SUMITOMO 4500Ton F.Press Overhaul

SUMITOMO 4500Ton F.Press Overhaul

8Ton Air Drop Hammer Overhaul

8Ton Air Drop Hammer Overhaul

VORONEZH 2500Ton Press Overhaul

VORONEZH 2500Ton Press Overhaul